HaruAtari2016-08-24 00:00:00
Software and Internet Services
HaruAtari, 2016-08-24 00:00:00

Service for counting the most frequently occurring words in the text?

Good afternoon.
Once upon a time I used a service that made it easier to read English texts. The text was loaded first. After that, I received a list of words used in it in descending order of its frequency in the text and their translations. Learned words could be saved so that they would not be shown next time. And most importantly: the service "collapsed" different forms of the word.
But I can remember what site. Does anyone use it or something similar? Please share the link.

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1 answer(s)
Vladimir Proskurin, 2016-08-24

Not exactly what you're asking, but it works like lingvist.io He's already analyzed a lot of books himself, and counted the most common words, after which he gives them to study in descending order of popularity.

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