plyshk1n2k2019-10-13 23:28:38
plyshk1n2k, 2019-10-13 23:28:38

Sending data from python to nodejs and getting data from nodejs to python how?

I am writing a VK bot, and I want to attach a qiwi payment to the bot. I created a nodejs that uses the kiwi checkout api, it generates a payment form and receives a link to it for the user who will pay. How can I implement the transfer of payment parameters (For example, the payment amount) in nodejs from python, and then how to get a link to the payment form from nodejs to python in order to send the bot to the user. What needs to be done for this and how is this problem generally solved? Help me please :(

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1 answer(s)
Ruslan Gilfanov, 2019-10-13


  • "REST API" + "Node.js".
  • "Python HTTP requests"

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