Spoon in the brain2019-05-06 21:16:29
Spoon in the brain, 2019-05-06 21:16:29

Sending a photo on command in telegram bot?

Evening at home!
I’m creating my first telegram bot and I wanted to generally throw a photo when sending a command /art, I googled for a long time, but everyone throws only through the url, and I want to send photos by uploading from the computer, how to implement this, maybe there will be examples?

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2 answer(s)
enabl3, 2019-05-07

So you can send a random photo from your computer.

import random
import os
all_files_in_directory = os.listdir('path')
file = random.choice(all_files_in_directory)
doc = open('path' + '/' + file, 'rb')
#если нужно подпись к фото
caption = "любой текст"
bot.send_photo(chat_id, doc, caption)

sound901, 2019-05-06

Should we guess ourselves? Read the docs, google

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