ilya_romashov2019-10-17 03:38:14
ilya_romashov, 2019-10-17 03:38:14

Selling tickets for events on Facebook. Really?

Salute to all. Recently I wondered how to integrate a ticketing site (or its clone) on Facebook. Did Eventbrite somehow do it? Why is there Eventbrite, see so many examples:
Hence the conclusion is to make it real. Question: how? -Ok, they create an application and clone certain pages of the site through it, somehow connect to Facebook pages. There is not a word about such features in the developer's documentation. Google is silent. That's why I'm turning to you, maybe you can tell me something. I will be very grateful!

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1 answer(s)
Philipp, 2019-10-20

Read the documentation carefully https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/ref...

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