Vladik Limonadik2014-11-04 09:36:01
Vladik Limonadik, 2014-11-04 09:36:01

Selling a profile on Odessa?

Hello. How much do you think they could buy my profile on Odessa? And will they be interested at all?
There are many stars, top rate, frontend (html, css, js), many hours.
Or is it a disastrous business and there is no need to sell a beautiful profile acquired by honest work?

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5 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-11-04

You never know? You might still be back.

Azim Kurt, 2014-11-04

Do you urgently need money? Do you think the money raised will solve your problem? I don't see any material benefit in selling the acc.

Elena, 2014-11-04

Let this profile lie with you. In a year or two, decide to earn extra money there again and it will come in handy.
And then sell for a penny, then you will regret it.

Puma Thailand, 2014-11-04

That is, you are in the top of Odessa and earn 10k dollars a month, and then you decided to sell it, let's say, in two years of payback of $ 240,000 or 10,800,000 rubles.
I’m afraid that top freelancers already have a top profile, and non-top freelancers are not ready for such investments, moreover, the profile will not be theirs, but yours, since all profiles are identified and payment methods too, and you can take it back at any time.

Ruslan, 2014-11-04

What people have come to)
Look from the back side (buyer): you take someone else's profile, with someone else's reviews, ratings and someone else's name. You have no rights, you have nothing. And if you don’t know how to write cover letters (which few people know how to write at the beginning), then the profile may not help. And if it turns out that a person is using someone else's account, the consequences can be sad. For an account.
Conclusion: why would you sell it? Leave to yourself. Suddenly, a hungry year will turn out, and a salary in dollars will not be superfluous.
And if we talk about prices: in my opinion, hardly anyone from you can buy it for more than $2000. And with a good profile, you can earn this money pretty quickly.

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