Ivan2016-12-09 12:19:26
Network administration
Ivan, 2016-12-09 12:19:26

Selectel hosting. Who used how do VPS work?

Hello! Has anyone used a selector? How are they with stability and connection speed?
Is it worth it to take VPS in the cloud from them? Is it okay that data centers are in Russia?

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5 answer(s)
Cool Admin, 2016-12-09

Good DCs, good VPS. But such questions depend on the task and conditions, although it rather sounds like this:
There are good DCs in the Russian Federation, but VPS are not suitable for all tasks.

Andrey, 2016-12-09

I've been using for a year now. It should be noted extremely satisfied.
The only thing I don't like is that all images are created without a swap partition.
If we are talking about vscale

Sanes, 2016-12-09

normal provider. At least the service works stably and people know their business.
What could be wrong if the DC is in the Russian Federation?

Puma Thailand, 2016-12-09

at one time he left due to childhood illnesses
, recently it turned out to be quite thoroughly testing the selectel itself and
I can immediately say this is a bad choice (

Ilya Evseev, 2016-12-10

Everything is great, except for the prices. But this is the specificity of the Russian Federation, not Selectel. In Russia, Selectel is now the best (IMHO).

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