ssleptsov2012-07-07 21:52:23
Electronic commerce
ssleptsov, 2012-07-07 21:52:23

Secure transaction service?

What do you know about these services? who used them? I want to make a deal with a visa card, but I can’t find where they accept it, everywhere only webmoney

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7 answer(s)
Ivan Baidin, 2012-07-07


wir, 2012-07-08

it will be difficult to find a visa, I used garant.pro through alpha-bank, look, it can help, a decent person, I spent a lot of transactions for xxxxx$ through him

MargaritaVM, 2016-11-01

A good review on this topic: rb.ru/longread/escrow
Fresh. Suddenly useful to someone, the topic is relevant)

OnYourLips, 2012-07-08

I doubt that such services exist separately from freelance exchanges, because. they would quickly go bankrupt due to recoveries arising from money laundering.

krick89, 2016-05-19

I often use the service https://timegarant.ru they accept yandex webmoney and all cards try their commission 5%

yaskin, 2018-11-16

https://safebas.me secure transaction in crypto

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