Antokha2021-11-08 19:19:13
Search Engine Optimization
Antokha, 2021-11-08 19:19:13

Search engines recognize what the site is written on and how does it affect it?

Does it affect search engines on what the site is made on, for example, on cms, framework or html?
Do they also recognize that the site is on a framework and not on html?..

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4 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2021-11-09


AndreyKeer, 2021-11-09

It doesn't matter what engine, the main thing is the absence of technical errors.

Immanuil Motorcycles, 2021-11-10

"search engines"?
Some bots that collect everything about everything and everything in general, send it all somewhere to a crooked database, where hungry Indians and Bengalis twist a broken broken patched code describing relevance algorithms between resources, then they patch it with a bunch of adjustments, then a defector comes running from a neighboring office, and suggests taking into account some kind of footprint, then another, then speed, speed of pictures, then dozens of corrections.
As a result, the answer to your question is YES, Yes, but what kind of search engine, and how exactly, is a mystery and a mystery even for the developers themselves.

Vladimir Zhilyaev, 2021-11-14

It affects HOW it is written and made, and not what it is implemented on

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