Bogdan2017-08-12 13:19:20
Bogdan, 2017-08-12 13:19:20

Save content to pdf?

Hello. And do not tell me the best way to make a table in HTML and export it to pdf, otherwise I superficially familiarized myself with all the jsPDF, pdfmake, PDFkit tools and I don’t see a solution. If with canvas it is not clear how to do it if the table is on more than one page And if you draw yourself line by line, then how to deal with line wrapping? Can you tell me how you solve such issues?

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3 answer(s)
A person from Kazakhstan, 2017-08-12

lensky.0fees.us/mozilla.pdf - it's probably every browser can - save as PDF, although I probably didn't understand the question correctly

Konstantin Tsvetkov, 2017-08-12

Well, how to change headers and footers in this pdf.
The PDF format is designed so that nothing changes in it .
You need to add headers and footers for the document, on the last page of the signature
And finally, you need to configure the form and print options in the report generator or in a text editor.
Did not change after it was created, but how to create it?
PDF is not created, the finished result of the work is saved in it for distribution cross-platform and unchanged. If you need to work with a "table in HTML" then save it as an HTML file. Then it can be converted using topdf , for example.

Stalker_RED, 2017-08-12

jsPDF , something like this

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