Ivan2012-12-14 13:35:30
Ivan, 2012-12-14 13:35:30

Router selection: Yota + external HDD

Good day.
There is a Zyxel Keenetic Giga WiFi router, an LTE whistle from Yota is connected to it.
There was a need to connect an external HDD as a shared storage, and then I came across the fact that the kinetics has a very low speed of working with an external HDD (3-4 MB / s with FAT32, 4-8 with ext2), and if this is enough for a torrent ( max speed on Yota is 2.5 MB / s), then for general storage this is very small, you can’t even watch a movie in FullHD.
The question arose of choosing a new router.
Please tell me a router that can connect to Yota's LTE without much dancing with a tambourine, and at the same time work with an external HDD with full speed (and functionality: torrent client, shared access)!

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4 answer(s)
Alexander, 2012-12-14

Maybe you should look towards NAS?
Then the router can be left ... the costs will be less, though there is one minus - there will be two devices, not one.

Ivan, 2012-12-14

It is clear that NAS is better, but for a number of reasons, this option is not considered.

agmt, 2012-12-14

A little off topic, but since today is an active day for routers: Have you checked the speed of this router through l2tp?

Colobock, 2012-12-14

In my experience - I have not yet come across a single router that provides decent speed for working with a USB HDD - this is a side feature that is present only because it was easy to implement. Even much more productive pieces of iron, like network media players, do not give out speeds of more than 10 meters per second. For example: the flagship Dune HD Max with "experimental" support for gigabit network turned on runs into the same figure on the EXT3 disk. With NTFS, it seems to me, it will be even worse.
I recommend forgetting the idea of ​​implementing a NAS using a router. Hardware designed for a specific task always performs it better than a software solution on a low-powered router processor.

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