Michail Wowtschuk2017-12-10 22:37:01
Michail Wowtschuk, 2017-12-10 22:37:01

Renting the cheapest VPS in Russia?

Which companies in Russia can rent the cheapest VPS?

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4 answer(s)
Vlad, 2017-12-10

I do not guarantee that this is the lowest cost for these services in Russia, but I have not yet seen cheaper.
VPS from 3,100 rubles: here
VDS from 100 rubles: here

Michail Wowtschuk, 2017-12-10

Found on poiskvps.ru

Anatoly, 2017-12-11

FirstVDS ( ref , not ref )
OpenVZ (KVM is also available, but it costs more)
90 rubles/month
In Moscow
P.S.: 25% discount for the first month via referral link :)

Sanes, 2017-12-10

Simplecloud is the best value for money. If no additional IP.

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