MaximIT2022-02-18 14:31:41
MaximIT, 2022-02-18 14:31:41

Remote Junior Frontend Developer Salary?

Got my first job in IT. They offered an offer of $165. I agreed and have been working in this position for 2 months now. Is it normal for a junior to work for that kind of money? Or advise to achieve a higher salary now.

They don't teach me anything at work. I took the course myself for a year and a half. And I do all the work that I am given myself.

I am engaged in versioning, adding various features to the site.

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4 answer(s)
Maxim Bulatov, 2022-02-18

What matters is not how much you earn, but what you learn.
If a junior comes to me after the courses, who has already worked somewhere, I still won’t ask him about technology and coding. I will try to find out if he can think coherently and can communicate with colleagues. Writes "nothing or 'nothing'".
I will ask how the tasks were set, how solutions were integrated into production, how features were tested. Does he know how to use all sorts of jira and where the documentation was kept.
And if from the first place of work he took something out of this, then it will be decisive. If not, then 50/50, because coaching on a particular technology is easy, but changing habits is very difficult. If there was a large team, but there are no interaction skills, then he will have to somehow argue that the whole team did not know how to do this, that this is not his unwillingness to learn.
Even if you have a good salary, I would not say that this is a useful place to work. If a task just falls and needs to be done, then you don’t learn anything. You can come to a large company where mentoring is established and say that you coded for two months in a small company, but realized that this was not enough for your development, that you just had to work alone. If mentoring is not established, then you will be answered in the style of "we must not distract the elders, their time is precious." If it is established, then they will gladly take it, and then it will be important not the current salary, but what it would become with a year or two of experience in this company.
Fifteen years ago, my advice would have been different. Then today's jun corresponded to an enthusiastic high school student. And if he got a job somewhere for a part-time job after school, then this would be a definite plus. There were no laboratories, schools and mentoring then. In the evenings he would read books, then university, and in five years he would be a good junior.

Romi, 2022-02-18

Is it normal for a junior to work for that kind of money?

Not normal :)
Even though layout designers are usually paid less (for some reason...)
Look at the vacancies, I think you can easily find a job for 400-500 bucks if you already have the skill of managing projects on your own.
Learn Vue.js - in a year you will receive $ 1,000
Learn a language, go to California, there you will already have ten a month and sunbathe with mulattos under palm trees on the ocean ;)
Do not hang out in rogue companies for a long time - this instills the wrong approach to life) )
Work should be paid adequately.

Vendettarasha, 2022-02-19

Well, if you studied normally and you know js/css/html/react normally, then this is not enough, after six months of study I started with 40t, then after 5 months they raised it to 60t, but a month later another company offered an offer for 120t and I think this is already a good salary for juna, juna+

Lexans, 2022-02-19

Nobody needs this frontend of yours, now the frontend developers are like shit. Answer the question of what profit your work brings to the company in order to talk about a higher salary.

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