Andy Oker2020-03-06 13:14:30
Andy Oker, 2020-03-06 13:14:30

Reinstalled NodeJS. There is an error when running gulp. How to fix?

I am using VScode terminal

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3 answer(s)
2CHEVSKII, 2020-03-06

CTRL+X -> Windows Powershell (administrator) -> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

Alexander, 2020-03-06

Use cmd. If gulpset to devDependencies, then via npm scripts.

Andrew, 2020-03-06

Powershell also seems more convenient to me, it is enough to allow the execution of scripts, the problem, as I see it, is this.
Guide (when activated, my console hung for 15 minutes)
I also think that it is probably necessary to reinstall gulp globally. Judging by the console, he is trying to run a certain file gulp.ps1, I do not think that this is what is needed.

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