Coraelstraze2017-04-09 22:31:55
Mobile development
Coraelstraze, 2017-04-09 22:31:55

Redirecting to the mobile version from all pages of the site?

Hello! You need a normal redirect from the main to the mobile version of the site when using a mobile device. I'm not kidding myself.
Found on the Internet

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} "text/vnd.wap.wml¦application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml" [NC,OR] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "acs|alav|alca|amoi|audi|aste|benq|blac|blaz|brew|cell|cldc|cmd-" [NC,OR] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "dang|doco|erics|hipt|inno|ipaq|java|jigs|kddi|keji|leno|lg-c|lg-d|lg-g|lge-" [NC,OR] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "maui|maxo|midp|mits|mmef|mobi|mot-|moto|mwbp|nec-|newt|noki|opwv" [NC,OR] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "palm|pana|pant|pdxg|phil|pluc|port|prox|qtek|qwap|sage|sams|sany" [NC,OR] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "sch-|sec-|send|seri|sgh-|shar|sie-|siem|smal|smar|sony|sph-|symb|t-mo" [NC,OR] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "teli|tim-|tsm-|upg1|upsi|vk-v|voda|w3cs|wap-|wapa|wapi" [NC,OR] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "wapp|wapr|webc|winw|winw|xda|xda-" [NC,OR] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "up.browser|up.link|windowssce|iemobile|mini|mmp" [NC,OR] 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "symbian|midp|wap|phone|pocket|android|mobile|pda|psp" [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://m.stroyartel-kazan.ru/$1 [NC,L]

In general, I enter the main address of the site stroyartel-kazan.ru, everything is fine. And if I type with a page, for example stroyartel-kazan.ru/catalog, then the transition to the mobile version does not occur. How can this code be improved? Or maybe there are easier and better options? Tell me please!

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3 answer(s)
Sergey Goryachev, 2017-04-09

If the site is in php, then it seems to me that mobiledetect.net would be better

Mark, 2017-04-10

Even with a good Internet connection, the pictures are barely loading on your site.

Viktor Taran, 2017-04-10

1. I would like your disco to be cut off ;(
2. you also have a reverse redirect to a non-mobile one, can you show the entire .htaccess.
3. have you tried to typeset on bootstrap?
4. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ m.stroyartel-kazan.ru/$1 [NC,L] - clearly says that with logic all the rules and problems are not in this rule.

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