Davert2012-04-09 15:46:31
Davert, 2012-04-09 15:46:31

Recommend online marketing books

Preferably in English or translated.
Without focusing solely on SEO or usability. That is, so that the book gives a general idea of ​​​​the entire Internet marketing as a whole and is understandable to beginners.


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6 answer(s)
Alexey, 2012-04-10


ladylike, 2016-02-23

It's better to read blogs. In Internet marketing, everything changes quickly, books become outdated. I'm reading crazy cats now , they write cool and you can see what's in the topic. Recommend.

hookenful, 2012-04-09

I can recommend a book by O'Reilly. I have almost all books on IT topics from him. The material is well presented and easy to understand.
Here are two books:
- Mastering Search Analytics
- The Art of SEO

justjust, 2017-06-09

Here is a good selection of books internet-marketings.ru/knigi-po-internet-marketingu

Mikhail Lyalin, 2012-04-10

1) depends on who is intended
for 2) for managers, M. B. Zuev, P. A. Maurus, A. G. Prokofiev “Website promotion in search engines” is quite enough

SashaFilipova, 2020-07-12

here. When I started working in marketing, I read these books.
Ogilvy is my own classic, everyone needs to read it, of all the books I would see Zag.
But I won’t tell much, it’s better to check it out yourself, I think it will come in, it’s not standard :)

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