Alexey2017-04-19 19:11:53
Alexey, 2017-04-19 19:11:53

Reading memory from a process, how to implement?

Is it possible to interact with a wine application through a node? Launched with child_process - exec.
stdout.on data - just shows which libraries it catches, but is it possible to read something more and what commands you need / can use for this.
The application is a game, I would like to try to make something like a small bot that can do at least something at all, but I don’t know where to poke a shovel to dig. Need help.
Even if you just take the example of a conventional Windows calculator, how can you read information about the entered and displayed numbers, and is this possible?

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1 answer(s)
Dark Hole, 2017-04-19

Well, it's possible. But it’s really difficult, and right off the bat I won’t explain to you how to do this.
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