Didjeru2010-11-29 14:40:12
Didjeru, 2010-11-29 14:40:12

QIP update and full transfer of ICQ to their servers

Good day to all!

After the next non-connection of ICQ through the kip, and solving the problem by updating the kip, I found a checkmark - use a new type of authorization (asya does not work without it). What I found by looking at outgoing connections. All traffic now goes through the Kipovsky server. And from asi and from bale accounting (jaber) one connection to bale port (askin 5190 usually). What is this new method of authorization and is it not listening to the traffic asi by the Kipovites, or maybe something else !? How do you think?

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6 answer(s)
SegaZero, 2010-11-29

Firstly, port 5222 is rigidly fixed to the gill. I advise you to familiarize yourself with the list of ports on Wikipedia
. Secondly, a new type of authorization is openauth authorization, which is used by 7 ICQ. added by us in case it was not possible to connect in the usual way
paranoia is usually treated with googen and sniffers. And you got down from 2005, moved to 2010 and suddenly became a jabber user
materials for study:

mikes, 2010-11-29

most likely people decided that it’s easier to edit the transport once… than to tell everyone every time download the new version of qip

Tujh, 2010-11-29

Is it not listening to traffic asi by the Kipovites, or maybe something else !?

For example, Quip stores the password from the asech account on its server. And this is a very bearded button accordion.

VovixLDR, 2010-11-30

Soon! New numbers from QIP!
4-digit - $999
or more 3-digit - $9999 or more
2-digit - $99,999 or more
1-digit - $999,999 or more (Auction)
Alphanumeric - $0.99 per 1,000 pieces.*
* Trademarks reserved to their respective owners

mihavxc, 2010-11-29

0_o Is it possible that the new owners of ICQ will immediately not massively ban everyone on this IP address?
pah-pah-pah miranda works flawlessly and with a direct connection.

Alexey Sidorov, 2010-11-29

Mozht they quietly have an agreement with DTS?

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