nomta2017-08-13 20:21:32
nomta, 2017-08-13 20:21:32

Pug/Jade with regular HTML syntax?

Is there an alternative to pug with the same or similar functionality, but with normal syntax, no indentation? Somehow it is more convenient to work with emmet, but I also want to use the features of pug.
PS Handlebars seemed too complicated for simple tasks. We need cycles for repeating blocks of code, simple conditions and mixins, inclusions from other files and, at a minimum, inserting js.
Thanks everyone for the replies!

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2 answer(s)
Andrew, 2017-08-13

https://habrahabr.ru/post/219873/ what can you pick up here?
and if you specify, then I won’t say for everything, but nunjucks is exactly with the usual syntax.

George Postoronca, 2017-08-13

https://github.com/georgepostoronca/WebTemplate - my GULP with Nunjucks (example of how I build frontend)

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