Alexander2017-11-30 22:06:11
Alexander, 2017-11-30 22:06:11

Proper Javascript testing?

Hello! I wanted to learn more about testing in Javascript. I use mocha + chai. I'm running through gulp. And I would like to understand in more detail the types of tests:
Do unit tests assume dependence on other classes. That is, we will import a class into the test that will import other classes into itself? Is it possible to work with DOM in an imported class? Would this be considered a unit test? What then does an integration test include? Help, please, deal with the issue. Thank you all in advance!

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3 answer(s)
Konstantin Kitmanov, 2017-12-01

That is, we will import a class into the test that will import other classes into itself?

You need to understand that a class does not import classes, import / export are modules. A class can instantiate other classes or accept instances as a constructor parameter, that's fine - in the second case, you just write mock: a stub that mimics the desired behavior in a predictable way. But if you export a class instance from a module, then there will be problems with testing. For example, this is bad:
// A.js
class A {}
export const a = new A();

// B.js
import { a } from './A';
export class B {
    constructor() {
        this.a = a;

    doStuff() {}

Since class B implicitly depends on A, you can't stub A, and tests for B will test A's behavior.
This is better:
// A.js
export class A {};

// B.js
export class B {
    constructor(a) {
        this.a = a;

    doStuff() {}

// index.js
import { A } from './A';
import { B } from './B';

const a = new A();
const b = new B(a);

If the test launcher supports it. For mocha, EMNIP, you need to fasten karma.
Unit-test, by definition, tests some kind of functional unit - a class, a module, a function, a method.

xfg, 2017-12-01

If an object instantiates another object within itself, then such an object should be considered as a single unit.

import LineItem from './LineItem';

class Order {
  constructor(lineItems = []) {
    this.lineItems = lineItems;
  addLineItem(name, cost, quantity) {
    this.lineItems.push(new LineItem(name, cost, quantity));

In this case, you need to write a unit test for the Order class. There is no need to test the LineItem class, as it is part of the Order class. Such classes are called - Aggregate. When a car dealership invites you to test drive a car, this involves testing the Unit as a whole, that is, the Car. We will not test separately its component parts such as wheels / engine.
If an object accepts another object from outside, then such objects should be considered as separate units.
class Route {...}
class Ship {
  addRoute(route) {
   if (!(route instanceof Route)) {
     throw new Error('route must be instance of Route');
    this.route = route;

In this case, you need to write separate unit tests for Route and Ship. To write a unit test for the Ship class, it must be isolated from the Route class using a mock object.
The integration test implies that you will not be replacing Route with a mock object in order to test the Ship class. Instead, you must pass in a real implementation of the Route class. In this case, we will test the interaction between the two units Ship and Route.

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