Selita2021-01-27 19:40:03
Selita, 2021-01-27 19:40:03

Proper home web server setup?

I have an old laptop without a monitor. I want to make a minihost for the site(s) out of it, upload a couple of tg and vk bots + mail server. Static ip already purchased. Is it possible to implement this within one laptop? If so, how? If not, what am I missing?

PS I don’t rummage in the subject, don’t beat

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5 answer(s)
aleks-th, 2021-01-27

What vps is what a home server to configure is the same thing.
The only thing is that the vps will always work, and the home server is only if there is electricity in the sockets and the provider didn’t put it in ...
Well, the provider can break off with the mail, by the way, the owner of the vps can break off with the mail in the same way ...
Put any Linux, even ubuntu server.
And go ahead, Nginx, Apache, postgree, mysql underline as necessary.
The main ports outside only open the necessary ones and not everything in a row.
And ssh disable password access so that they don’t break everything.
You will put the rest on maunals.

ky0, 2021-01-27

Sell ​​the static address back and rent a simple VPS - it will turn out cheaper, more productive and more reliable. For example .

Vladimir Korotenko, 2021-01-27

put debian
on it Nginx + MySQL + PHP
guides just look on the net.
debian request example
Nginx installation
To the heap
* fail2ban
* ssh login by keys
* openVpn (if you need resources from the internal network)

Victor Taran, 2021-01-28


HighMan, 2021-05-01

I would suggest wrapping everything in LXC or Docker containers, sorry Lord!
With LXC, in my opinion, it's easier.

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