LastDragon2010-11-15 14:06:13
Machine translation from one language to another
LastDragon, 2010-11-15 14:06:13

Prompt system for collective translation/localization

We are looking for a system for collective translation - there are several projects, we upload language files for them, create the necessary translation directions, and anyone can help with the translation of some lines of text.

* PHP (preferably, because the main project for which all this is conceived on it)
* good API (because there will be own authorization)
* the ability to add your own formats
* simplicity (both for users and administrators)

A little GlotPress was previously recommended on Habré , BUT
* beta
* code is terrible: there are very few comments, most of the methods are written in solid blocks (without empty lines) - there is no desire to modify and support it.

Who will advise what?

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5 answer(s)
Maksim Kochkin, 2011-03-02

Crowdin will do?

Sererator, 2010-11-15

Perhaps gettext ( php.net/manual/en/book.gettext.php ) is suitable, but I did not see the possibility of creating ".mo" files using php. Perhaps someone will give a link to a similar script.

Atrax, 2010-11-15

There is pootle , but it is much more difficult to install.
And GP even in beta does what it needs.
Their code is really terrible.

andreycha, 2010-11-16

Create a private translation on translated.by?

i, 2013-01-07

Weblate is written in Python, in my opinion, a good tool has tight integration with Git, translation memory, dictionary, integration with automatic translation system, there is a demo , supports Gettext, Qt, Java, Windows, Symbian and more, there is an API, but no methods for authorization, only notification hooks, export and RSS feeds. I find only one fixable minus from the available interface languages ​​there is no Russian.

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