IGO20222022-02-16 21:46:15
IT education
IGO2022, 2022-02-16 21:46:15

Programming for children, find a post (my pain does not subside)?

I apologize for the strange question.
But I don't have the strength to search. Pain.
Help me find.
Last year, tentatively summer, but possibly earlier, there was a post on Habré with a selection of books for teaching children programming, indicating the ages for whom they are oriented.
I chose one of them for my nephew. This one: https://habr.com/ru/company/piter/blog/359182/
Now I want to see what other books were there.
I will be very grateful.

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1 answer(s)
pavelsha, 2022-02-18

Would this answer work?
What books in Russian would you recommend for children to learn programming?
Some answers on the Toaster mention
A Study Path for Game Programmer
The post above contains Russian editions of some of the books

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