ADA M2018-06-21 11:37:44
Artificial intelligence
ADA M, 2018-06-21 11:37:44

Problems of AI in philosophy?

Maybe the question is a little off topic of this site, but we are still programmers and such a thing as AI is very close to us.
Now the topic of artificial intelligence is very popular, everyone is talking about it, and it has many directions and ideas. I am not interested in those areas where AI is seen as a program that performs some narrow tasks, or simply a system that simulates the human mind. What is interesting and incomprehensible to me is the creation of such an AI that could blur the boundaries between a machine and a person, and question the concept of the human soul (consciousness and self-awareness), as it is presented in modern science fiction films.
I even studied a couple of directions from the machine learning course for a while. But, these are still tools of science, like mathematics itself. In my opinion, all complex and mysterious problems concerning us and our Universe are solved at the level of philosophy. Thus, I came to the conclusion: if you study deeply AI, you need to start with the problems existing in philosophy on this topic. And only then, when any theory or hypothesis arises, should one proceed to its proof.
Actually my question is: can you recommend books or articles on philosophy, where the solved and unsolved problems of philosophy concerning consciousness, self-consciousness, artificial intelligence are considered?

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5 answer(s)
ivodopyanov, 2018-06-21

Penrose "The King's New Mind"
Minsky The Society of Mind seems to be a fairly well-known thing (I haven't read it myself)
"Big, Small and Human Mind" by Penrose and Hawking, the last third is about the mind and thinking
Kurzweil "How to create a mind"
Here is this comrade curious: www.aboutbrain.ru

Dmitry Entelis, 2018-06-21

In my opinion, all complex and mysterious problems concerning us and our Universe are solved at the level of philosophy.
You don't seem right.
That the expansion of the universe, that quantum effects, that there are n ^ m processes that we still don’t even know about, absolutely do not depend on what a group of people think about them on one of the planets of this galaxy.

sim3x, 2018-06-21

and such a thing as AI is very close to us
no. Before full-fledged AI, we still have a couple of generations of iron and a dozen breakthroughs in related fields
just a system that simulates the human mind
absent in practice. Thinking about something that has not yet been invented is meaningless
boundaries between machine and human
it doesn't exist
modern science fiction films
better read Asimov and Lem.
Related films:
"2001: A Space Odyssey"
"Ghost In the Shell" (1995 release, not pork in the shell)
In my opinion, all complex and mysterious problems concerning us and our Universe are solved at the level of philosophy.
delusion. Philosophy hasn't solved a single real problem

tema_sun, 2018-06-21

No, you need to start with biology and anatomy.

Artemy, 2018-06-22

Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason"

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