Ockonal2012-07-05 14:42:54
Google Chrome
Ockonal, 2012-07-05 14:42:54

Problem with sockets and data flow?

Hello! I have a server that sends a data stream to clients (flash applications) via regular sockets. Everything is fine in Firefox, but in Chrome on different platforms (Linux, Windows), on different versions, the connection opens, sockets open, but nothing goes into them. Also, no errors are thrown anywhere.
- It was found that if you disable the built-in flash (11.3) and use the system flash (11.2), then everything works fine. Has anyone encountered this bug?

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3 answer(s)
kemsky, 2012-07-05

you can try several options, read about security when working with sockets in the help of adobe (mb chrome strengthened the requirements), try the wireshark sniffer to make sure that the data did not go, and make sure that all events / errors on the flash are intercepted, compile in debug, check flashlog.txt

kemsky, 2012-07-13

Not even half a year has passed, we have the same problem, only with AMF, it freezes ...

kemsky, 2012-07-13

and switching plugins didn't work either.

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