n1kta2017-10-15 15:54:20
C++ / C#
n1kta, 2017-10-15 15:54:20

Problem with C++ and problem solving?

I have a problem (with problem solving), I watch a course on youtube (Denis Markov C ++, maybe someone knows)
and at the end of each lesson he gives a task to consolidate the material, and I have a problem with solving these problems. What do you think, with experience, the solution of problems will come to me or Something needs to be done with it.

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2 answer(s)
devalone, 2017-10-15

I propose not to watch shitty courses on YouTube, but to choose a good book and read.

res2001, 2017-10-15

If you cannot solve the problem, try to find a solution on the Internet or ask here.
After the problem is solved, you need to understand why you could not solve it (what was your mistake) and how others solved it.
Gain experience and everything will be fine.

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