Laroy2013-08-05 17:53:35
Laroy, 2013-08-05 17:53:35

Practical question on working in Windows RT

I understand that almost no normal and necessary software shines for me under WinRT, either now or in the future. However, the ratio of price and such parameters as the duration of work and the availability of 3G make us consider this poor option. Dear owners of devices on WinRT, please tell me, is it possible to install at least add-ons to IE under WinRT so that at least Lastpass somehow works?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Volkov, 2013-08-05

A kind of jailbreak allows you to run ordinary Windows applications compiled for the arm architecture.
Look here windows-arm.com.

ixSci, 2013-08-05

On Windows RT, apps from the store can only be installed. If the store contains lastpass, then it will. If not, then no.

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