Vladimir Terechov2019-01-21 12:04:47
Online shopping
Vladimir Terechov, 2019-01-21 12:04:47

Please explain if I understand correctly what a product offer is?

For example, I have such tables in an online store:
1) Product Table.
product_id, name, slug, category_id...
2) Category table.
category_id, name...
3) Color table.
color_id, name, img (the img field is where the path to the image with the color is stored)
4) Size table.
size_id, name,
5) Table Product_Color
product_id, color_id
6) Table Product_size
product_id, size_id
This is where I got stuck.
7) Table Product_Color_size
product_id, color_id, size_id
1 1 1
1 1 2
1 1 3
1 2 1
2 1 4
So this is already an offer?? Combination product color size
Product with id 1 has available color 1 has available sizes 1 2 3
Product with id 1 has available color 2 and has size 1.
Product with id 2 has available color 1 and has size 4.
Please tell me this is there an offer?

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2019-01-21

If you have your own store, then it's quite right. If you have an aggregator, you can add more tables "stores", "shop points of sale" and add the field "id points of sale" to the table of offers (as an option).

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