icheese2017-07-15 14:02:57
Online shopping
icheese, 2017-07-15 14:02:57

Which online cash desk for the Internet service to choose to comply with (54-FZ)?

Hello everyone, we have an online service, we accept payments by cards through online acquiring, which online cash desk should I connect to comply with 54-FZ? What is the experience of online stores?
Checkout requirements:
- ideally, I would like to have a checkout on the Internet on the server (probably stupid, because I don’t understand anything about it)
- if we consider physical checkouts, then with a SIM card, small and light, so that you can use it when moving.
Thanks everyone for the replies.

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2 answer(s)
ipswitch, 2017-07-15


icheese, 2017-07-15

it's too expensive

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