Alexander Tumaykin2015-08-26 11:20:00
Alexander Tumaykin, 2015-08-26 11:20:00

PHP. Is there a solution that will split the date range into week periods?

you need to come up with an algorithm that will break the date interval into weekly periods. A week is the interval from Mon to Sun or the current day to Sun (for example, if the first day of the month falls on a day other than Mon) or Mon to the current day (if the end of the month falls on a day other than Sun).
input data 08/01/2014 - 08/30/2015
08/01/2014 - 08/03/2014
08/04/2014 - 08/10/2014
08/11/2014 - 08/17/2014
08/18/2014 -
08/25/2014 08/25/2014 - 08/25/2014 08/25/2014 - 08/31/2014
01.09 .2014 - 07.09.2014
29.09.2014 - 30.09.2014
01.10.2014 - 05.10.2014
06.10.2014 - 12.10.2014

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4 answer(s)
Alexander Tumaikin, 2015-08-26

Thanks to all. Here is my solution:

 * @param string $from начало периода
 * @param string $to   конец периода
 * @return array
function getWeekPeriod($from, $to)
    $weeks = [];
    $from = strtotime($from);
    $to = strtotime($to);

    while ($from < $to) {
//            echo "from:\t", date('d.m.Y', $from), RN;

        // номер дня недели начала периода
        $fromDay = date("N", $from);
//            echo "fromDay:\t", $fromDay, RN;

        // если не ВС
        if ($fromDay < 7) {
            // кол-во дней до ВС
            $daysToSun = 7 - $fromDay;

//                echo "daysToSun:\t", $daysToSun, RN;

            // конец недельного периода
            $end = strtotime("+ $daysToSun day", $from);

            // если попадаем на след. месяц, то делаем новые вычисления
            if (date("n", $from) != date("n", $end)) {
                $end = strtotime("last day of this month", $from);

            $weeks[] = [date('d.m.Y', $from), date('d.m.Y', $end)];
            $from = $end;
        } else {
            $weeks[] = [date('d.m.Y', $from), date('d.m.Y', $from)];

//            echo "end:\t", date('d.m.Y', $from), RN, RN;

        $from = strtotime("+1 day", $from);

    return $weeks;

Vitaliy Orlov, 2015-08-26

$start = new DateTime('01.08.2014');
$end = new DateTime('30.08.2015 23:59');
$interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
$dateRange = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end);

$weekNumber = 1;
$weeks = array();
foreach ($dateRange as $date) {
  $weeks[$weekNumber][] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
  if ($date->format('w') == 0) {

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

Anton, 2015-08-26

Not that it’s a ready-made solution, but there is a Carbon library for working with dates, there are methods for determining the end of the week and adding a week, and then it seems trivial - you found the first day off and add weeks from it until you exhaust the entire period.

Andrey Pavlenko, 2015-08-26

1) mktime function - returns unix timestamp for a given date (well, or, alternatively, strtotime function)
2) pass the result of one of the above two functions to date('N', strtotime('08/01/2014'));
The result is a number from 1 to 7, where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday. Alternatively, you can date('w'), where 0 is Sunday, 6 is Saturday.
3) and then implement it somehow through a cycle or in some other way.

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