Oleg Chirukhin2012-11-10 13:10:25
Oleg Chirukhin, 2012-11-10 13:10:25

PHP is the new Java?

As Oleg said , living like a human means working two hours a week, having an apartment overlooking the bay, and knowing category theory. Here are a few important things I needed.
Comrades, I recently switched from Java to Pokhape, it seems that here you can do everything like in Java, both graphics and management.
Excellent analysts, I ask for your opinion on the following questions:
1) Not a single implementation of generics / templates is googled. Even Java-style type-erasure, which can be done by code generation. Is there any out of the box solution in PHP? If not, I want some implementation or crutches to replace!
2) Several implementations of annotations have been googled. For example ( use case ), for example. Which one to use? Moreover, on the wiki there is such an RFC with a patch for the puff code , who knows when it will really be accepted into the upstream? (by the way, as it turned out, the comrades from Doctrine Annotations wrote the patch).
3) I would like to hear your insanely authoritative opinion about Dependency Injection libraries and package autoloaders (use com.sun.awt.*). Especially those that will live apart from some monstrous web framework. Get out of Symfony 2 like you can scrape together its DI, it is a separate module on the github. From their own Composer, we have already unscrewed the autoloader. And what about FLOW3? Are there _good_ engines that are specifically designed to be separate? And using all sorts of useful things like APC, FPM, maybe some caches, in short, so that it works quickly, and you can use it in situations where thousands of things are injected and billions of packages are included.
4) What about maven-like "project management systems"? Well, or at least collectors with dependencies. Here is Composer, but it's kind of miserable after maven. Is there anything else?
5) Advise a good object cache in shared RAM. Not serialization into memkash and radishes, not hard smearing, but guaranteed to be framed. General purpose, with quick access from any pyhoscript in general. It would be nice to be able to pull branches of non-scalar objects into the frame.

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3 answer(s)
p4s8x, 2012-11-10

5) Advise a good object cache in shared RAM. Not serialization into memkash and radishes, not hard smearing, but guaranteed to be framed. General purpose, with quick access from any pyhoscript in general. It would be nice to be able to pull branches of non-scalar objects into the frame.

Not quite, but almost what you need: you can use a bunch of APC and igbinary ,
Setting is done apc.serializer=igbinary
As a result, APC stores in RAM, and igbinary is a serializer without unnecessary conversions.

dshvechikov, 2012-11-10

maybe a little off the point of the question, but what is the reason for the transition from java to php? Haven't seen this before

NeX, 2012-11-10

I'd love to hear your insanely authoritative opinion on Dependency Injection libraries and package autoloaders (use com.sun.awt.*). Especially those that will live apart from some monstrous web framework.

PHP has a class naming standard github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md If you can handle it, you need only 1 any autoloader. For example framework.zend.com/manual/2.0/en/modules/zend.loader.autoloader-factory.html

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