xSPiRiTx2015-10-28 20:30:58
xSPiRiTx, 2015-10-28 20:30:58

Photo gallery with pager on Drupal?

Created a type of material "Gallery", it has an Image field with an unlimited number of downloads. I create this type of material with a large bunch of photos (more than 100 pieces). Image presets + css + colorbox = photo gallery. Everything looks beautiful, opens and scrolls through the colorbox. However, with a large number of images, you need to attach a paginator to the page. I used the cck_pager module. He perfectly divided the node (gallery) into several pages - for example, there are 10 photos on each page. Everything would be fine, but colorbox in this case ceases to see all the images loaded in the field. Those. on one page, he flips through only 10 photos .... on the next, the next 10, etc. And it is necessary that, despite the pagination, he "sees" and flips through all the photos.
Who-thread has thoughts about organizing a photo gallery of this type?

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