AlexanderMilaev2018-04-11 18:54:53
AlexanderMilaev, 2018-04-11 18:54:53

"Philosophy" of all programming languages. Myth or reality?

Nobody needs a backstory
Когда-то давным-давно(7 месяцев назад), будучи совсем зелёным, я бросился в ВЕБ. Этап вёрстки был пройдён и пришло время для программирования, да, для Javascript. Но я так и не смог его осилить, мне он был неинтересен, я читал различные книги по нему и попросту засыпал. Я думаю теперь уже понятно, что ВЕБ я выбрал из-за низкого порога входа. Но не ради денег, как можно подумать, а из-за того, что я сомневался в своих, кхм, умственных способностях, мол "не осилю". В итоге решил изучать то, что мне действительно по нраву — разработка игр, однако сейчас не об этом.
Для изучения новой области мне нужны были новые языки и я подобрал для себя некий стек: Python, Lua, C++. Два скриптовых, можно сказать воспомогательных и один основной. Изучение первого ещё продолжается, если точнее, то остались только "Классы“. И знаете что я заметил? Нет этой боли ниже спины, всё настолько приятно и легко учиться, особенно когда уже знаешь такие термины как массив, переменная, оператор и так далее. Со вторым я ознакомился два часа назад по статье «Lua за 15 минут». И почему-то всё так же понятно и легко, это просто мёд для мозга. Не надеюсь что так же будет и с C++, но перед ним я обязательно сяду за алгоритмы и сделаю код чище, таков мой TODO-лист, никак не оправдания.

Let's get to the main point. Is it really possible to easily learn another language when learning one programming language? What pitfalls can there be? For example, we are learning some kind of dynamic language, but you can’t learn a static one so easily. Well, an additional question, this is very interesting, since I don’t like reading “what is a variable” for the tenth time, the same C ++ for those who are familiar with programming, how to learn?
I'll add a few more letters so that they don't throw stones. Programming is not only the study of languages, but also algorithms, methodologies, various branches of mathematics, but here I want to discuss programming languages.

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6 answer(s)
Danil, 2018-04-11

The philosophy is the same, the syntax is different. If you have grown to the level of "I work and get money" in one programming language, then learning another is not a problem.

Monty Python, 2018-04-11

Learn C at the beginning, yapi are divided into 2 types:
1) C
2) All the rest
Because C is the father of all languages, any compiler or interpreter is written in C one way or another. This largely determines the logic. Moreover, the book on C is not that big, a brochure of 200 pages. C is a deterministic language, after it any other will be easier to come by.

Stanislav Pugachev, 2018-04-11

Is it really possible to easily learn another language when learning one programming language? What pitfalls can there be?
no, it doesn’t
usually appear on the concepts of “variable” and “array” all the similarities and end with
what you mean is called imperative programming
and from this point of view most languages ​​are the same
, but in reality, each language just has its own philosophy, thanks to which he managed to find and occupy his niche in this world. and this philosophy can be quite difficult to comprehend, especially with serious baggage in some other direction .
The brain is already imprisoned for a specific philosophy, and when you try to reapply it (the brain automatically does this) to another one, it sometimes ends with a strong bathert
But not everything is so sad
here, experience that you can’t drink away comes to the rescue
and it on the other hand helps you get bloated faster with dumb newbie problems like launching, building, dependency management, debugging, deploying, profiling and all that
and you can usually devote yourself entirely to the language itself (or the philosophy of the language if you like)

Dimonchik, 2018-04-11

Which programming language should I choose in my cases?

Valentine, 2018-04-11

Ease appears when you understand that the language is just a tool for some kind of product. The site can be made in php, and in c, and in haskell, and, oh my, even in asm. The game can be written on the same set. That's when you come to the conclusion that you just need to master the tool (this is a PL, a library, an operating system or an IDE), it becomes all the same.

Sergey, 2018-04-11

kind of)))
with languages ​​as with ordinary languages ​​- the next one is much easier to learn.
There are pitfalls and they are quite serious. It's not about the syntax. There is such a thing as a paradigm. This is approximately a way of thinking, a way of understanding a task that can be naturally transferred to a specific programming language.
so, for example, C has an imperative paradigm. C++ is object oriented. From this point of view, such languages ​​are more different than the different syntaxes of C and any BASIC.
Second moment. You can superficially learn the language in a couple of hours. But study it all your life. Language is not only syntax. These are also the pitfalls of this language. Features of compilers and efficient solutions. Idioms. This is especially true for C++.

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