Kevin Glare2016-01-14 15:02:12
Kevin Glare, 2016-01-14 15:02:12

Personal account for WordPress?

Good afternoon, tell me how best to implement a personal account on WordPress?
The administrator himself creates a personal account for the user
The administrator must create an order for the service - the user can refuse it or confirm it
The user himself can place an order for the service
In the personal account, in fact, there should be only an order for the service and a list of its ordered services

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2 answer(s)
Kevin Glare, 2016-01-18

Solved the problem like this www.wpmayor.com/best-invoicing-plugins-for-wordpress

Igor Vorotnev, 2016-01-14

The question is too general, the amount of work is significant. There are ready-made plugins, but they need to be cut for specific tasks. You can write from scratch, you can use developments from other plugins. In any case, this is not a question that can be answered briefly, so much so that a non-developer does "one-two and in kings" in half an hour. Contact a specialist. Or read the materiel, understand, break the task into subtasks, ask for specific points.

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