Roman Savitsky2017-10-18 15:16:20
Roman Savitsky, 2017-10-18 15:16:20

Paying for an item on a Woocommerce website page using Payza?

Good afternoon everyone, I read the Payza manual -- https://docs.payza.com/v1.0/reference#standard-int...
Having studied all their material, I conclude that it is impossible to make a payment through their API on the page of my site, by passing the card details to their server via the API, they only offer to enter the card through their iframe or on their site with a redirect to theirs upon successful payment.
I started writing a plugin for Woocommerce and I understand that their API is not complete, and I cannot transfer payment card data to their server to complete a transaction.
Has anyone experienced this, have any thoughts?

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2017-10-18

so everyone
who allows to accept cards on their site is called a "merchant", and not a payment system,
but the iframe usually fits well and you can customize the page

WordPress WooCommerce, 2017-10-24

There is experience with such a solution https://woocommerce.com/products/authorize-net-aim/
I have not seen such solutions in the Russian Federation. But it is not exactly.

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