snovazabilparol2017-06-24 20:18:55
snovazabilparol, 2017-06-24 20:18:55

Pattern (algorithm) for generating keys?

Good day. I faced such task.
There is some generator of a random uppercase string consisting of 10 characters.
There are several valid fingerprints of the generated values ​​themselves.
In the generator itself, however, symbols are not randomly generated, but pseudo-randomly, taking into account some algorithm, which, of course, is not known to me.
Actually, what pattern (mask) should I use to generate valid keys myself?
Valid keys: K97MJAPRJJ K93K969K3R K9WRXL9R6L K93JX7XPFJ K9K3J74EHF K9R3MLNRJJ K9HR974643

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2 answer(s)
Deerenaros, 2017-06-24

Ahah. No, it won't work, the sample is small. And with a big one, it’s unlikely that anything will work out, you need consistency. And you are unlikely to get it, do not even try.
The only thing you can try is to reduce the entropy. K9 at the beginning is already clear, most likely some part is a checksum, that is, it is dependent on the other. You are unlikely to solve it, but you can try to look for some dependence, with a fairly large sample. Although again, as far as I know, few people today generate keys with a built-in dependency, and DES was enough to understand.
The trick is this. Good crypto-resistant PRNGs and with a well-known algorithm have been injecting for 20 years, but not everything is broken. Do you want to know the algorithm itself? Well. Good luck.

Konstantin Stepanov, 2017-06-24

Disassemble the algorithm and restore the code to C.

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