harmonimane2018-08-15 17:19:12
harmonimane, 2018-08-15 17:19:12

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in?

An error appeared on the site indicating the end of the file. The wordpress site points to a new theme file I created.
The line <?php get_template_part('template-parts/footer') ?>
If I replace it with the contents of the footer.php file, it still points to the last line. Tired already looking for an error, I decided to ask for help.
Only after reading the text on one form about such an error, I realized that I was looking in the wrong place

Parse error 17) Parse
error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in [filename] on line [line]
points to the last line of the script, in fact, most likely you have not closed the curly bracket "}" somewhere. Also, this error may be due to the missing ";" on the last line of the script.
Solution: Use a normal editor with syntax highlighting, and finally find the missing parenthesis.

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1 answer(s)
Kirill Nesmeyanov, 2018-08-15

Well, since you figured it out, please tell me where you have the closing ";" after the function call?

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