Crash2014-11-22 16:24:09
Crash, 2014-11-22 16:24:09

One universal framework or several for each task?

As a practicing backend developer, I'm interested in frameworks. I know Django quite well. Also of interest are Laravel, Yii2 and various microframeworks. I love it when all the code is under control) Now I’m thinking - in detail, from cover to cover, to study Django and develop all projects on it (it’s a fairly universal framework) or to improve knowledge on other interesting developments and choose something from several options for each task. How will it be more efficient?
UPD: I chose Yii2 for myself and I work almost exclusively with it

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2 answer(s)
lovesuper, 2014-11-22

In general, knowledge of several frameworks gives you a clearer idea of ​​​​what trends are currently in the industry. I advise you to choose a specific language (in your case php or python) and on it already thoroughly study the main frameworks. For example, I write in python and for me the main framework now is Pyramid, extremely powerful, with many plugins. Comfortable and well written inside. Django has many out-of-the-box solutions and is usually chosen by beginner programmers, or those who don't want to worry about future support. The sorts are "dirty" and not very readable. I like to use Flask for "quick" projects. A very nice framework with an excellent community and a large number of cookbooks. Six months ago I discovered Bottle. Now I use it to sketch out one-minute web applications. Callback to catch from somewhere, give some input. Pylons has been used in my company for a long time (now they switched to Pyramid, and I have to support old projects) and worked quite successfully with it. also has a pretty iconic story straight from Zope. In short, there are many frameworks and it would be nice to get to know almost all the main ones and be able to work with them so as not to become a "Django master", relatively speaking, not even knowing Python. Okay, I won’t throw more on the fan, that’s my opinion. Well, if something helps! There are many frameworks and it would be nice to get to know almost all the main ones and be able to work with them so as not to become a "Django master", relatively speaking, not even knowing Python. Okay, I won’t throw more on the fan, that’s my opinion. Well, if something helps! There are many frameworks and it would be nice to get to know almost all the main ones and be able to work with them so as not to become a "Django master", relatively speaking, not even knowing Python. Okay, I won’t throw more on the fan, that’s my opinion. Well, if something helps!

Yuri Yarosh, 2014-12-21

I am familiar with almost all popular MVC frameworks that are currently on the market, and even with Catalyst :)
There are no universal solutions - everyone has their drawbacks.
In view of the movements towards reactivity, I can single out Play2 / Xitrum and Grails.
But they also have enough performance problems, although they are much (very, very much) faster than the same rails or dzhanga, or all sorts of symphonies / Yii2 and express with Sails.js.
Here is what I wrote earlier about the same python.

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