Ivan Eliseev2017-09-11 11:14:22
Network administration
Ivan Eliseev, 2017-09-11 11:14:22

On which Russian hosting do they issue ip from different subnets?

The task is to have OWN AND NOT RENTED vpn server with several ips and the ability to transfer, etc., etc., and we all know how.
I am looking for a hosting that could issue such ip addresses for a server from different subnets. And ideally, in general, from different cities, but Russia.
Does anyone know of similar options? Preferably with reviews :)

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1 answer(s)
Sanes, 2017-09-11

Buy multiple servers. There will be few cities. 2 capitals and maybe a couple of Siberian ones. And you set up a VPN network, as you need.

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