pashabomber2015-04-29 11:24:57
Online shopping
pashabomber, 2015-04-29 11:24:57

On which plugin to make a store on WP with two types of sorting?

Good afternoon!
I understand that making stores on WP is probably stupid, but the task is before me, and I need to implement it.
You need to make a store on some plugin. I looked at the popular wp e-commerce and woocommerce. Now I came across some Russian development wp-shop.ru
And there would be no problems if it was a store with goods, with a buy button, with a basket and ordering.
My task is to do the sorting of goods into two types.
1) product category
2) product manufacturer
It is clear that all scripts contain categories, according to which sections of the store are built. And can someone tell me if any of the plugins also sort by manufacturers? That is, the site should have two store menus.
Thank you in advance!

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1 answer(s)
Alex, 2015-04-29

For a WordPress store, I have not seen a more functional store than woocommerce. The manufacturer can be implemented through Product Tags.
You can also add an additional taxonomy type. If you need to sort or select only products of one manufacturer on the category page, you will have to play a little, but everything is done (look towards meta_query).

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