Alexey2018-02-08 08:39:44
Network administration
Alexey, 2018-02-08 08:39:44

On which hosting is it possible to use nested virtualization?

My laptop is not suitable for the test task. I decided to rent a virtual server, but not every hosting allows you to create other virtual machines inside a virtual machine using qemu-kvm. Those. or just kvm-ok reports that the virtual server does not support hardware-virtualization and you have to use the qemu virtualization type, which is very slow. Or the virtual machine simply does not start.
Tell me hosting, you can in a personal, so that there would be no advertising.

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3 answer(s)
Wexter, 2018-02-08

None support nested virtualization. Do you need a dedicated server

Puma Thailand, 2018-02-08

use docker

Andrey Shatokhin, 2018-02-08

You can deploy a bunch of lxc/lxd virtual machines on almost any vpc. This is handy for experimentation.
Well, or docker, as mentioned above.

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