turbolizard2016-01-11 08:41:27
turbolizard, 2016-01-11 08:41:27

On what to implement the interface for a Java application?

Interested in the aspect of developing an interface for a java program.
Of course, the standard library provides swing, but as a solution for a beautiful interface, it clearly does not fit, and the reviews on Habré are not the best, so tell me which way to dig? Maybe libraries or frameworks? The question of cross-platform is very important.

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4 answer(s)
Evgeny Andreevich, 2016-01-11

I recommend JavaFX in conjunction with SceneBuilder. This will significantly speed up the development of the interface of your application.

nirvimel, 2016-01-11

There are not many GUI options for desktop:
With the choice of GUI for the web, things are a little better.

Andrey Shishkin, 2016-01-11

JavaFX is still there. Are you writing a desktop app?

sivabur, 2016-01-12

You have chosen not the best technology in terms of gui and performance, except for the IDE, little is written on it.

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