Ura782011-08-29 16:35:49
Ura78, 2011-08-29 16:35:49


Good day! Please help me choose a DBMS that satisfies the following requirements:

1) Document-oriented (itself an ORM)
2) Change propagation technology (deployment)
3) Clustering (redundant storage + load balancing) OrientDB

was considered , but with the second point there is dull, or I did not understand something

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4 answer(s)
Maxim Avanov, 2011-08-29

CouchDB + Chef

Fedor Indutny, 2011-08-29

BigCouch (https://cloudant.com/, github.com/cloudant/bigcouch )

Enuriru, 2011-08-29

I don't know about the second point, but check out MongoDB.

Vyacheslav Razbitsky, 2016-02-04

There is a good (albeit free) beginner course on OrientDB: https://www.udemy.com/orientdb-getting-started/
( using OrientDB 2.0 as an example).
After passing it, you will definitely want to try to make at least a small "touchstone" on OrientDB.
https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issu... :
" I'm running orientdb standalone server on a machine with 64gb ram and 4g swap space. Database has more than 300 millions edges and around 70 million vertices.
Each client performs insert/read/delete at around 10k qps(all combined).I have multiple such clients connecting to the
server.When qps is over 50k, the orientdb server crashes with Out of Memory(OOM) exception.
For me personally, the figure of "50,000 requests per second" (with more than 370 million objects in the database) seems very suitable for a lot of "real" projects.

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