bro22015-09-18 15:18:01
bro2, 2015-09-18 15:18:01

NGINX+RTMP periodically crashes, maybe something is wrong in the config?

NGINX with the RTMP module freezes periodically, the video stream is still being sent to the server, but the statistics and the player are empty, only manually restarting NGINX helps.
I can’t understand what the problem might be, a similar config on the NGINX Windows assembly works stably.
Debian 8 is currently running on the server.

#user  nobody;

worker_processes  4;

error_log  logs/error.log debug;

events {

   worker_connections  1024;


http {

   include       mime.types;

   default_type  application/octet-stream;

   sendfile        on;

   keepalive_timeout  65;

   server {

       listen       8081;

       server_name  localhost;

       # sample handlers

        location /on_play {

                if ($arg_pageurl ~* (http://******/|http://******/)) {
                    return 200;
                return 403;

       #location /on_publish {

       #    return 201;


       #location /vod {

       #    alias /var/myvideos;


       # rtmp stat

       location /stat {

           rtmp_stat all;

           rtmp_stat_stylesheet stat.xsl;


       location /stat.xsl {

           # you can move stat.xsl to a different location

           root /usr/local/nginx/conf;


       # rtmp control

       location /control {

           rtmp_control all;


       error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;

       location = /50x.html {

           root   html;




rtmp_auto_push on;

rtmp {

   server {

       listen 1935;

       ping 30s;

       notify_method get;

       application live {

           live on;

           # sample play/publish handlers

           on_play http://localhost:8081/on_play;

           #on_publish http://localhost:8080/on_publish;

           # sample recorder

           #recorder rec1 {

           #    record all;

           #    record_interval 30s;

           #    record_path /tmp;

           #    record_unique on;


           # sample HLS

           #hls on;

           #hls_path /tmp/hls;

           #hls_sync 100ms;


       # Video on demand

       #application vod {

       #    play /var/Videos;


       # Video on demand over HTTP

       #application vod_http {

       #    play http://localhost:8080/vod/;




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