chuck2013-04-29 23:10:48
Computer networks
chuck, 2013-04-29 23:10:48

Network routing?

Good afternoon, colleagues.

I'm interested in one complex question, but I'm not sure that I formulated it correctly.

For example, a company bought a subnet of 16 IP addresses.
8 ip addresses need to be defined on the server in one DC, and the other 8 in another DC. How and by whom is it done?
What needs to be done at the registrar of the subnet, at the DC and at the company?

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2 answer(s)
JDima, 2013-04-29

As I understand it, we are talking about the PA block, times / 28. Those. associated with the provider. Ask this question to the provider.

polyakstar, 2013-04-29

Only prefixes greater than /24 can be honestly separated between different DCs
To do this, you need to:
1. have your own AS (autonomous system) and at least two xxxx/24 networks
2. Agree with each DC on the announcement of your AS
3. Set up BGP announcements for its routers in each DC
PS RIPE no longer issues autonomous systems, since IPv4 has ended

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