santeri2011-01-31 01:05:17
santeri, 2011-01-31 01:05:17

NetBSD / Aspire One A110 / Keyboard falls off?

Installed NetBSD 5.1 on netbook.
Everything is fine, but periodically (70-80% probability) the keyboard is not detected or falls off during operation.
The system functions normally, if you connect a USB keyboard, it will work.
An interesting feature.
If you boot the system with a USB keyboard - everything is ok.
As soon as you turn it off, after a couple of minutes the netbook stops working.
There is nothing in dmesg.
I tried to start in single-mode, recreated the /dev directory via MAKEDEV. Did not help.
Tell me what could be the problem.

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1 answer(s)
maseeq, 2011-01-31

The keyboard in the netbook itself may have power-saving settings, and NetBSD may not know about it.
If it is connected as a USB device, then 100% the problem is in the power saving settings.
There was a similar topic with a WiFi adapter, it was decided by disabling power saving through Windows.

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