Nikisos2022-01-04 16:20:10
C++ / C#
Nikisos, 2022-01-04 16:20:10

.net is a C# library?

.net is one library? Or is it a framework that contains many libraries such as ASP.NET, ado.net and .net is it just a name ?

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1 answer(s)
Vasily Bannikov, 2022-01-04

Well, in general, T-shirts have problems with naming, yes.
.NET is the generic name for the entire ecosystem, which includes all virtual machine implementations, all languages, and all compilers.
.NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET 5.6, Mono are virtual machine and standard library implementations. The virtual machine executes code in an intermediate language.
.NET standard - specification for the
CIL standard library, MSIL - The name of the .NET intermediate language (yes, the same thing is called by the same name)
ADO.NET, ASP.NET and so on are either parts of the standard library or parts of the framework. (for example, aspnetcore is not included in .netstandard, but it comes with .NET 5).
Roslyn and csc - C# compiler

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