Anton Sh2018-04-24 13:12:27
Anton Sh, 2018-04-24 13:12:27

Need help with layout, how to make such a mini slider in jquery?

In general, I broke my head what to use in this case, is there such a mini slider how to make it according to the mind?
Who would make one like this? give advice, give ideas)

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1 answer(s)
Ivan Ivanov, 2018-04-24

1) I would take any jquery slider.
2) The central element most likely has some kind of id that denotes the current element, let's call it cur_el.
3) For the previous and next element, namely cur_el - 1 and cur_el + 1, I would write styles transform: scale(0.9); and opacity:0.8;
4) For the elements before the previous one, namely cur_el - 2 and cur_el + 2, I would write the styles transform: scale(0.8); and opacity:0.6;

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