Yura Storchak2018-08-10 16:22:18
Network administration
Yura Storchak, 2018-08-10 16:22:18

Need free hosting for experiments. Load and unload websites. To have 3-5 free domain and hosting?

I need free hosting for experiments. Load and unload websites. To have 3-5 free domain and hosting. It doesn't care about reliability, including the fact that sites can eventually be removed from this hosting. Please let me know how to do this kind of work.

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4 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2018-08-10

Heroku provides sleep dins for free. For experiments in the field of programming - that's it. If you want a full-fledged server, AWS provides micro instances for a year for free. If you register with DigitalOcean through a referral and use a promo code, you can use VPS for free for six months for $5.

lamer350, 2018-08-10

nowhere, there will be either advertising on the floor of the site, or hosting without php support
take test hosting for 14-30 days each time registering again, while of course no one will give you a domain, buy yourself the cheapest one for a year for $ 3 and that's it .

xmoonlight, 2018-08-10

Nowhere. Only paid.

CityCat4, 2018-08-10

$2-$3 per month - a heavy amount? And you will have as many sites as you like, and since you can cram ...

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