KeterVik2018-06-09 19:06:13
Career in IT
KeterVik, 2018-06-09 19:06:13

Necessary stack for work in large companies?

I will briefly describe my situation. After 2 years, I finish my undergraduate education and go to work, as an option - at McDonald's, but I want something more and I'm ready to sweat like hell for this all these 700+ days. I decided on the main technology and programming language - Unreal Engine 4 and C ++. What do I have to learn? Some sections of mathematics, architecture for which I will develop, algorithms and data structures, C ++ language, English language, engine, general technologies.
Now, in order (I will return to this word). From mathematics, I need linal, discretemat, theorver, the basics of matan. PC architecture, I think everything is clear here. Algorithms, for starters, I'll finish reading "Groaking Algorithms", and then I'll try to master Cormen. C++ programming language, practice, books and practice. English, I also think everything is clear. I will try to master the engine thanks to the documentation and the "poke method". Well, common technologies - editors, git and the like. Did I forget anything?
Now the question itself. What did I not include in the list, what should be included in the list and what is missing here at all? Well, the main question - in what order to master it all? I would like to implement what I have mastered immediately. That is, I believe, first you need to learn the programming language in which I will implement the algorithms, and then the engines in which I will use the studied mathematics. Is this approach correct?
And I will also say that I have to generally assess my level. I know a little more than nothing. Python and Lua languages ​​at the level of "tic-tac-toe in the terminal". Git, Linux at the level of a typical user. The simplest algorithms, such as bubble sort and binary search. Mathematics at the level of 11 grades. English at the level of "read, understand, but still difficult." PC architecture based on Petzold's book Code. I'm so stupid, there's nothing you can do about it, but no! I came here to do something about it. Otherwise, McDonald's, but I like writing code more than cooking french fries.

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1 answer(s)
Anton Spirin, 2018-06-09

View the list of requirements for specific vacancies. Study.

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