Senture2018-04-22 21:30:15
Computer networks
Senture, 2018-04-22 21:30:15

Multiplayer in Unity Personal over 20 players?

On off. The unity website saw that the free version of the engine supports no more than 20 simultaneously playing players.
In what sense?
Can't connect more than 20 clients to the server if I use Unity hosting?
What if I use my own hosting?
Or will I not be able to connect more than 20 clients to the server even if the server is on my host? Thanks for the answer!

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1 answer(s)
sim3x, 2018-04-22

Unity offers a free amount of Concurrent users (CCU) for each license.
- Personal: 20 Concurrent Users
- Plus: 50 Concurrent Users
- Professional: 200 Concurrent Users
If you need to increase the number of CCUs that your game supports then you can set this when you submit a live request via the multiplayer dashboard. If you do this, you will be charged $0.49/ GB of traffic that travels through the Unity infrastructure (Matchmaker, Relay Server). This means that you pay for the extra bandwidth that you use.
We also have a way to estimate your monthly bill. This can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the multiplayer page.

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